



1977年五月John Lennon帶兩歲兒子Sean同遊香港,其中一站虎豹別墅。


John 露出趣怪表情~!!大可媲美笑匠。


以上相片轉自Vintage Everyday網站,原內文題目為:
Rare Photos of Sean and John Lennon in Hong Kong, 1977

Quoth the Dame: "Last time I saw John Lennon was in Hong Kong, we went to a Hong Kong market and there was a stall that sold old clothes and there was a Beatles jacket on the stall, and I did something that is not usually in my character—I asked him to put it on, so that I could take a photograph. I took a photograph, and I still got the photograph. The jacket doesn't fit properly, it looks like John has outgrown it.”

最珍貴都是這張吧,John穿上不稱身的外套和Bowie 合照。

(photo from http://kenwoodlennon.blogspot.hk/2013/09/hong-kong-tiger-balm-gardenmandarin.html)

這次香港之旅,John下榻文華酒店,碰巧遇上Bowie, 他們結伴想吃猴子腦,真的找上了門幸好店子休息,而然他們看見一張張的檯,中間穿著洞,情境就是讓破頭的猴子坐在那裡固定洞內...像是吃蛋般吃腦,想起也覺心寒只好作罷。後來有兩位仁兄認得John,帶他去喝蛇血,充滿亢奮的John則迫Bowie吃皮蛋。


自己乃Fxxking Beatle(s)!


2002年David Bowie接受雜誌訪問,節錄如下:

He says John Lennon forced him to eat an egg cooked in urine.

That’s the worst thing he had ever eaten, he said in an interview for GQ‘s 2002 “Men of the Year” issue. He claimed the two musicians were on vacation in Hong Kong in the late 70s, busy “trying to find a place to eat monkeys’ brains,” when two guys who recognized Lennon took him into a back room “and made him drink the blood of a snake.” Then he said the Beatles star came back and “shoved” a “thousand-day-old egg cooked in horse piss” into Bowie’s mouth.


如果真有時光機的話,我會駕駛它回到77年五月John Lennon訪港那天,說他知道三年後會被殺的消息,著他躲到另一地方或穿上避彈衣,試圖改變歷史改變世界...

2 則留言:

  1. 連儂寶兒遊港仲有一段小插曲,David Bowie:"Towards the end of the 70s, a group of us went off to Hong Kong on a holiday and John was in, sort of, house-husband mode and wanted to show Sean the world. And during one of our expeditions on the back streets a kid comes running up to him and says, "Are you John Lennon?" And he said, "No but I wish I had his money." Which I promptly stole for myself.

    [imitating a fan] "Are you David Bowie?"

    No, but I wish I had his money.

    It's brilliant. It was such a wonderful thing to say. The kid said, "Oh, sorry. Of course you aren't," and ran off. I thought, "This is the most effective device I've heard." 當年在香港問約翰連儂是否John Lennon的那位小孩現在不知身在何方了?回想這件往事肯定百感交集吧?

    1. 相信那小孩說得一口流利英語兼認識兩位巨星應是外籍人士了...本地的只懂超人XX俠吧?XDD




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